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Bretagne camping cars

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Nom/Prénom Classements Catégorie Chronos
24/09/2022 - Lokiman S (0.75/20/5) - Locquirec (29) - 25.75km -
105/161 (148°/74°/77°)46/SEM01:31:46 (00:22:22 / 00:41:15 / 00:24:35)
10/09/2022 - Triathlon Dinard Cote d'Emeraude S (0.5/20/5) - Dinard (35) - 25.5km -
66/621 (105°/107°/51°)12/VEM01:18:29 (00:12:56 / 00:38:27 / 00:21:11)

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