La Lucien Le Mouel - La Motte (22)
12/06/2021 - Nature - 14KM

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Chrono Moyen : 01:19:02

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Nom et Prénom

Vitesse moyenne

Cl. Cat.
1/140BLAISE ThomasTRAIL LE FOEIL00:53:4100:03:501/SEM
2/140Non Autorisé00:54:3500:03:541/M2M
3/140Non Autorisé00:54:5000:03:552/SEM
4/140THOUEMENT StephaneTGA00:56:0900:04:011/M3M
5/140Non Autorisé00:57:0900:04:053/SEM
6/140GARCON Stephane22600 LA MOTTE00:57:1500:04:051/M1M
7/140Non Autorisé00:58:2700:04:112/M1M
8/140GUILLOME OlivierENTRE DUNES ET BOUCHOTS01:00:0700:04:183/M1M
9/140Non Autorisé01:00:2500:04:194/M1M
10/140Non Autorisé01:00:4900:04:214/SEM
11/140GUIGUEN Anthony22210 PLEMET01:01:0200:04:221/M0M
12/140LAVIGNE ArnaudENTRE DUNES ET BOUCHOTS01:01:4700:04:255/M1M
13/140Non Autorisé01:02:3100:04:282/M3M
14/140LUKASZEWSKI Jan22600 ST BARNABE01:03:1100:04:315/SEM
15/140Non Autorisé01:03:3900:04:332/M0M
16/140GOUAULT DidierTEAM D CO CONCEPT01:04:3200:04:376/SEM
17/140LE BORGNE ReneRUNNERBREIZH01:04:4700:04:383/M3M
18/140RENOU QuentinTEAM BERCI COTES D ARMOR01:05:5800:04:437/SEM
19/140HARNOIS StephaneCA TROTTE A LA MOTTE01:06:0900:04:443/M0M
20/140DABOUDET Vincent22230 LAURENAN01:06:1800:04:446/M1M
21/140Non Autorisé01:06:2000:04:448/SEM
22/140SIMON LaurentADN NOYAL PONTIVY01:06:2200:04:447/M1M
23/140NICOLAS Hugo22530 MUR DE BRETAGNE01:06:2700:04:459/SEM
24/140Non Autorisé01:06:4300:04:464/M3M
25/140Non Autorisé01:06:4600:04:4610/SEM
26/140HENRY PhilippePLOEUC RUN &01:07:4100:04:505/M3M
27/140Non Autorisé01:07:5200:04:514/M0M
28/140GAUTHIER SebastienTRAIL DU BLUES LA CHEZE01:08:2600:04:532/M2M
29/140Non Autorisé01:08:4400:04:553/M2M
30/140LAUNAY BenoitTEAM DE L ESPOIR01:09:0900:04:565/M0M
31/140LEFEUVRE ThierrySAINT BRANDAN01:09:1700:04:576/M3M
32/140LE POTTIER MickaelCA TROTTE A LA MOTTE01:09:4100:04:594/M2M
33/140OLLIVRO ErwanTEAM DE L ESPOIR LOUDEAC01:10:0000:05:006/M0M
35/140MERCIER Jean-luc22600 LOUDEAC01:10:1100:05:011/M4M
36/140Non Autorisé01:10:2400:05:028/M1M
37/140Non Autorisé01:10:3500:05:0311/SEM
38/140REVEL SylvainPLOEUC RUN &01:10:4500:05:035/M2M
39/140LE NOUVEL FabienPLAINTEL AVENTURE01:10:5400:05:047/M0M
40/140Non Autorisé01:11:4700:05:088/M0M
41/140BEUREL Jimmy56580 BREHAN01:11:5000:05:081/ESM
42/140LE GOFF YohannAS 22 / CA TROTTE A LA MOTTE01:11:5600:05:0812/SEM
43/140MAHE Fabien22360 LANGUEUX01:12:0600:05:0913/SEM
44/140BURLOT Yohann22460 ST HERVE01:12:3300:05:119/M1M
45/140Non Autorisé01:12:3300:05:119/M0M
46/140Non Autorisé01:12:4200:05:1210/M0M
47/140SPAGNESI Jean-charles22600 TREVE01:13:0200:05:136/M2M
48/140Non Autorisé01:13:5100:05:171/M3F
49/140LE SCIELLOUR AndreS/L ATHLETISME LOUDEAC01:14:0500:05:187/M2M
50/140Non Autorisé01:14:2100:05:198/M2M

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